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Art passed through generations

From 1900 to 1930 the grounds were an open-air space cinema and theatre. The building was then constructed by Annibale’s grandfather in 1947 and since then it has been the home of the Oste family. Since 1980 the ground floor has hosted the art studio where the creations of Annibale Oste were born ,  a renowned artist and sculptor, poet, passionate about the cultural stratifications of history as well as the new and unexplored, he manages to amaze through continuous experimentations. Studying, trying and discovering, he combines together the new and traditional materials, the artisan techniques with the industrial ones, giving a shape to memories and fantastic stories.

Vincenzo, the son of Annibale,  an esteemed jewel designer and artist  . He was trained as a designer craftsman, mainly looking at his father as a reference, as a source of inspiration and the first teacher from whom to learn . In addition to the experiences gained in art and goldsmiths schools, it was his father to reveal to Vincenzo the deepest sense of creativity.

In 2004, Vincenzo graduated in jewelry and started to split his time between his family’s business and his own idea of art and design, launching his brand in Italy and abroad. In 2010, Annibale passed away and Vincenzo took over the father’s art studio with his sister  Mariasole, Annibale's eldest daughter, grew up breathing an air of art since she was a child and after graduating from the Art School she immediately concentrated her efforts in the Laboratory alongside her father,. and his wife Inès a Tunisian jewel designer and arts lover .

In 2017, Vincenzo and Inès decided to create - an art living space experience where hosts can breath, feel and admire art.

Arts laboratory

A place of creation , of experimentation, of artistic and cultural exchange, happened in the years thanks to poets, artists, directors, photographers that have frequented Annibale Oste. From this opening the  idea was born to give life to  these places  full of interest to guests that can explore the details, works, and furnishings realized during the years in these creative places:.

Now is in the care of the Children , where Vincenzo  continue to create his sculptural jewels as well as pieces of design  ,  exposed during Milan design week 

 as a dedication to his father

Annibale’s craftsmanship is featured throughout the property like a gallery with Interior design pieces, home accessories that include glass and silverware, and serving plates, to unique pieces known by art lovers both in Italy and the rest of the world.

1978-sedersi nella luce-preparazione all
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Via dei Cristallini 138, Napoli, 80100 Italy  |  0039-3494433422

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